Sunday, April 3, 2016

Pornhub This is the kind of porn African women are into

It was also revealed that the average time spent per visit for women is 10 minutes and 33 seconds.
Sure we might not talk about it as publicly as most Western countries, but undoubtedly, more and more women are becoming fans of adult movies.
Popular adult movie website, PornHub, has revealed statistics detailing how much porn women around the world actually watch and what their most preferred type is.
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According to their data, 24percent of users on the site are women.
From their findings, most women in North, Central and South America enjoy viewing the “lesbian” category. It’s also popular is many other parts of the Western World including Europe and Australia.
pornhub  Pornhub female viewers stats

Women in the African Continent,on the other hand prefer to view the “ebony” category. Evidently, we consider our own race when it comes to indulging in our fantasies.
When compared to the rest of the world, women in the United States searched for “ebony” 74% more often, as does South Africa with a 95% increase. Brazil and Argentina both enjoy “shemale” videos, while “hentai” is popular in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and Mexico.
It was also revealed that the average time spent per visit for women is 10 minutes and 33 seconds.


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